Here’s How Buying Land From Us Works

Step 1 – Choose Your Land
Browse our inventory and decide which one of our lot(s) is going to offer the best opportunity for your specific needs.

Step 2 – Payment Option
Select your payment option. Make installment payments over time if available, or buy property with a one time payment.

Step 3 -Close
All closing performed by licensed title company, or attorney.
As you can see we have made purchasing land from us very easy, as well as affordable. Even our onetime lumpsum payment option is sold at deep discounts. So, once you have chosen the right property, and selected you payment option, you can complete your purchase online. That’s right, you can close you’re land transaction on our website! Once you checkout, we will contact you with paperwork to sign and the lot will be yours! Affordable and convenient! Also, If you don’t see any properties on our site that interest you, then let us know what you are looking for, and we will find it. Once we find you’re land, the same buying process will take place.
Another thing, we are very flexible in our approach. For instance, if you happen to see another property that may fit your needs better than the one you initially bought, and you want to transfer your payments to another one of our properties, you absolutely can! We’re not your “land lords”, we’re your partners. Our goal is to assist you in purchasing land, not impede. The land is the collateral, so if you no longer want the property, you can simply return it to us and you will not be expected to pay anything else going forward. It doesn’t get easier than that!
Our whole business structure is about keeping it simple! So we made purchasing land from us exactly that…SUPER SIMPLE! So, stop scouring the MLS or county records for the faint hope of finding the right land investments opportunity. Reach out to us and let us know what you’re looking for. We’ll either have it now or can find it pretty quickly.